Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Water Lilies

I love this picture (courtesy :

It reminds me of my own childhood when I used to go plucking water lilies from ponds and paddy fields in the neighbourhood.

When I was in my late teens, I made a small pond in our garden to grow water lilies. We gathered white, violet and red lilies and planted them in my pond. The water lilies flourished and the pond eventually looked like a Monet canvas.

Work brought me to the United Arab Emirates. When I return to Kerala...I will build a bigger pond and grow lots of water lilies... (smile)

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Happy New Year

Okay….2007 is now two days old.

Sat here in Dubai - the most prosperous and open society in Middle East, although somewhat insulated – you still can not escape from the feeling of despair permeate you – the feeling of despair that is now a part of life in Middle East.

Let me not sound harshly sceptical…but nothing is tipped to change in 2007…No real hopes for lasting peace…No real hope for eradication of poverty…

But let us all hope, as we always do, and wish each other a Happy New Year.