Monday, November 17, 2014

Indian Engineers

Indian Engineers

Indian Engineers ( ), a professional networking and discussion for Science, Engineering & Technology professionals of Indian origin was launched recently.

Why Indian Engineers..?

According to University Grands Commission of India, India has 700 universities and more than 35,000 affiliated colleges enrolling more than 20 million students. Of this 3.97 million are enrolled in science subjects and another 3.2 million for Engineering and Technology. That is a whopping 7.17 million of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) students.
Add to this the large number of practicing professionals, academicians and institutions & companies that employ such professionals both in India and abroad. This makes India’s Scientific Community Eco-System the largest in the world with an estimated 50 million members!

Yet, we do not have an effective medium to collect, collate, mobilize and make use of the knowledge and experience that these members of our scientific community have gained from their years of experience in the field. aims to provide a platform for our seasoned Science, Technology & Engineering professionals to share information and the knowledge that they have gained in the course of their career with the rest of us.

There is a wealth of information out there among our Engineers, Technologists and Academicians. We believe this can be used for the benefit of young STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Maths) students and professionals alike.

The site was launched a month back on 15th September, the Birth Anniversary of Sir Visvesvaraya and celebrated as Engineers' Day in India.